10 Steps To Improve Your Brochure Design And Outshine Your Competitors

Last Update : 5 August 2021
Not all kinds of brochures can bring you desired success. To achieve your goal through brochure marketing, you have to follow a strategic method and get the right one designed. This blog will take you through all the points that can assist you in creating an impactful brochure within your desired budget.
Brochures continue to play an essential role in developing awareness of any brand or company. These are excellent marketing tools for reaching out to customers worldwide. It helps in narrating out the perfect introduction of the company to all its viewers. Brochures also serve as a networking tool, giving businessmen a chance to connect to more opportunities. How many customers your brochure attracts depends on its design.
Psychologists say designs have an influencing impact on human thinking and the conclusions drawn. Designs have soothed, calmed, excited, disturbed, or incited strong responses from viewers. But what kind of designs have a strong impact and influencing power remains the leading question (unanswered questions for many designers).
An intelligent, insightful, experienced, and inspired artist can assist you in creating powerful designs for your brochures–digital, animated, or dynamic. But the art needs to be in your favor, and to get the right results, you need the right strategy and information. This is where expert brochures designers could help.
Brochure designers with the skills of a good artist and the experience of leveraging marketing research insights into the right brochure design strategy are the ones you need. When you hire brochure designers of such caliber, you can definitely outshine your competitors with your brochures.
The design costs definitely shoot up when you hire several freelance brochure designers for a project. You could hire brochure designers in India who can deliver great designs within a budget that pleases you.
You also need to be aware of what goes into creating outstanding brochures that give results – increased inquiries, positive customer interactions, enhanced brand awareness, and reputation, among other metrics.
Here are 10 steps to follow for ensuring success from brochure designs.
Outshine Competitors Through Your Brochures- 10 Steps To Follow
1. Start with Competitor and Market Research
A company needs to understand what a customer expects from a brochure. Market research is one of the best ways to find out about what works and does not work in your markets when it comes to communicating about your products, solutions, or services. Your research should get you insights into hues, shades, and colors, imagery, typography, and other visual elements.
In the case of competitor research, it needs to be focused on not just a few business rivals or competitors you identify but on a wider scale. Identify the companies offering brochure design with whom there is maximum customer engagement. Find out what techniques and styles are making their brochures super engaging and what kind of designs are getting negative reviews or cold responses.
Get all the trending and right ideas to create a design strategy or plan aimed at getting a high rate of responses from target viewers. If you are not planning to employ in-house or permanent brochure designers, you could hire them for temporary roles. Or, you could hire a team of brochure designers in India with competencies in market research for developing the right designs.
2. Follow It By Customer Research and Persona Creation
Before moving on to creating and designing the brochure, it is essential first to correctly identify and describe your target audience. Most companies only have a very general idea about the customers they are trying to reach – the kind of businesses they want to attract or some data on demographics of a mass audience.
It is not a company or an organization or an app or an abstract idea of a customer that will buy your products or services. Your buyers are individuals with a specific need – commercial, personal, social, or professional. It is to fulfill this need that they would buy from you. Identify the general tastes, preferences, buying patterns, and motivations of these targeted customers. Get more information than just some demographic data.
Key Buyer Persona creation based on the right inputs from strategic customer research will give you critical insights for your brochure design project. For example, if you found that your cash cow products will generate 2X or more sales if you can win the interest of millennials from the technology sector, then create specially designed brochures for this market segment.
3. Identify Visual Elements Most Liked and Admired by the Target Audience
Visual elements in your brochure should not be just about elegance and taste on the seller side, i.e., what a marketing manager or business owner likes. Your brochure design should have elements that match your niche and connect positively with targeted audiences. If it does, you are already many steps closer to increasing your leads or sales inquiries.
If you are reaching out to huge masses of potential customers across demographics, you might need to create different brochures for key customer segments first. Visuals are supposed to achieve a certain goal – instant attention, interest, and motivation to read what you are proposing to sell.
Anything that can produce a negative impact on the minds of the audience needs to be weeded out of the design plan.
If you are planning to hire brochure designers on a freelance basis, you would need to get all the research done beforehand.
4. Create Brochure Design Plans Based on Research Insights
So now that you have analyzed your market research and customer research data and found out what kind of visuals are most effective and what are least appreciated, you are ready to frame out a brochure design plan. Choose a brochure fold type, layout, background theme, cover design, and features based on insights gathered from your research.
Digital brochures are most needed today than ever before. Your ability to reach out to maximum potential customers in the most effective manner depends on what kind of digital brochure plans you have designed and for what mediums.
To achieve good results, partner with a brochure design agency with competence in creating a strategic design based on research insights. There are many agencies offering the services of brochure designers in India with the ability to generate design templates and ideas based on research analysis.
5. Choose Different Layouts and Styles for Different Customer Segments
It is always better to create different templates for different customer segments instead of making one for all. If you think about how you can get so many designed brochures, you are looking at the problem from a different angle.
You might be creating 10,000 copies of one brochure over 1-2 years and getting few results. You could get 10X better results from strategically designed brochures for 5-7 key customer segments and targeted customers. You might not even need to print so many copies (maybe half) when you make targeted approaches.
So, you would need layouts, styles, and themes that work well with an identified target customer group and design brochures accordingly. That is why, for example, many successful toymakers create different brochures for different age groups and also for children with different abilities and challenges.
6. Ensure Your Cover Design Evokes Instant Attention
No matter how much you focus on the contents, designs, and layouts of the pages, the cover design should be the one that needs the most attention. It is the first page that influences a person to read further from your brochure.
Therefore, you must design the cover page to evoke instant attention from all of your viewers. If you want to create such an impact, it is best to get professional help.
7. Images and Photos Should be Original and HD
It is said that “A picture speaks a thousand words.” Therefore, you must strategically use 100% original and quality pictures that shall create a long-lasting impression on the minds of your potential customers. It is of utmost importance to use authentic images to avoid any copyright strike.
Moreover, clear HD pictures create more impact than low definition ones. Therefore, a proper photoshoot with a high-quality camera is essential for creating a brochure used in brand success.
There are many freelance brochure designers who have their own gallery of graphics and images, and hiring these designers can help you enhance your brochure quality.
8. Make Use of Symbols in An Intuitive Manner
Symbols act as visual elements that can attract customers’ attention to specific content. Therefore, it is essential to wisely highlight and show cast your desired content before the others. Symbols also act as a beautifier and the design you create. Therefore, including these in specific pages and areas can significantly impact your customers’ minds. However, too much of anything is not good.
Similarly, using symbols in misplaced areas can prove to bring negative impact rather than positivity. There are various types and styles of symbols that can be included in the brochure.
As there is no general understanding of symbols and how to cleverly choose and design symbols that could take designs to a different level, you need to hire expert artists. For brochure designs, you could hire freelance brochure designers with specialized experience in creating symbols in a way that transforms the value of your design.
9. Incorporate the latest design trends
No matter what we do, it is always suggested to use the latest trends in the respective fields. Similar is the case in brochure designing also. In any creative industry, things that are in trend come in handy when used to lure customers.
This is because, until and unless you use something popular, you cannot grab the attention of potential customers irrespective of what you are selling and no matter how good your products are. Therefore, it is essential to conduct detailed research on the latest trends and designs that are most accepted and liked.
If you are having problems finding or using the latest design trends, you can always hire brochure designers with experience in incorporating such trends.
10. Make revisions following testing with select target clients
You could hire the best team of freelance brochure designers in India or elsewhere, and you would get great brochures designed. How sure are you that the design would give the best results too? There are numerous instances where elegant designs might not have attracted enough audience.
The best way to know if your designs speak to your audience is through A/B testing with a sample audience. You could select 15-20 existing or inactive clients or potential customers and note their reactions and feedback.
Your audience would let you know what they were expecting and missing and the kind of elements that distract or have negative effects. Make a note of common points of feedback or key points, and revise your designs.
With the advances in digital brochure design and numerous little and major strides that have happened, brochure design has moved out of its traditional avatars.
If you are still stuck with conventional designs and brochure design methods, you would most probably not get much ROI from your brochures. Work with brochure designers In India who offer outstanding designs cost-effectively. You would not need to stretch your budgets to get amazing designs that outshine your competitors.
Sprak Design
Sprak Design offers brochure design services worldwide through an excellent team of brochure designers in India. We also help our clients hire expert freelance brochure designers to execute specialized artwork or complex design trends for brochures. Our team of 70+ designers from across India enable us to efficiently serve the diverse graphic and brochure design needs of businesses from different industry sectors and geographies.
If you are looking to outsource your brochure design and marketing material design services to a capable team of brochure designers in India, please get in touch with us.
Click here for a free consultation for a brochure design project!.